Thursday, December 22, 2011
Christmas Ornaments
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Illustration Friday: Silent

Wednesday, November 16, 2011
The Vault: Clash of the Irritating
I drew this one way back in the summer of 2009, but I'm still really proud of it. I'd be proud of any illustration that shows a dead Jar Jar though.
This drawing is largely inspired by how much I hated Phantom Menace, but I also couldn't get this scene from Spaced out of my head -
Digital Sketches: Cassowary and Emperor Tamarin
I’ve been dong some more digital sketches of animals on the Wacom the last couple of nights.
I accidentally drew the tamarin lines on the background layer, so I wasn’t able to add color. I still like how the lines turned out though.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Digital Sketch: Elephant
Sunday, November 13, 2011
1000 Words: Green Lantern Movie
When did over-saturated CGI become a valid replacement for story, acting, pacing, originality, etc, etc?
To try to vent some frustration I drew this up really quick on the computer this evening.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
The Vault: Treebeard Shadowbox
This project took me ages! I think it was about a year in total from sketch to completion. I had a long post about this on my previous blog, and have finally built up the initiative to post the process again. You can click on any of the thumbnails for a more detailed version.
First Step: The Sketches and Digital Color Test
Second Step: Mapping the Pieces and Painting Watercolor Swatches
To make sure that I constructed Treebeard correctly I had to map out all of the pieces, and then paint swatches for each of the mapped pieces.
Third Step: Cutting out the Pieces and Construction
To cut out the pieces I have to trace them from my “map” onto tracing paper, and then tape the tracing paper to my colored swatches. It’s time consuming!
Fourth Step: Building the Box and Placing Treebeard
I built the shadowbox with some lumber I bought at the hardware store, and painted it black. The Treebeard figure had to be attached to a wire skeleton that I glued to the frame. After gluing in the ground and Treebeard I attached the background. Later I had the pieces on the outside of the frame laminated (so they wouldn’t be ruined if the box was splashed with water), and I super-glued them to the front of the frame.
Ta da!
Babelfish Panda Cards
This series requires a bit of backstory.
My in-laws are from Korea, and don’t typically speak English. When they write to me it is usually in Korean. I assume this is to motivate me to learn a bit more of the language. Currently my grasp of the Korean language pretty much only involves names of food, and how to say “Hello” and “Thanks”, so I either have to get my wife to translate, or sometimes I’ll use online translation programs. The translations from Babelfish are my favorite. They are so abstract and bizarre sometimes it’s almost poetic. Poetic, but total nonsense. We thought it would be funny to do a series of greeting cards with these direct “quotes” from Babelfish.
(Click on any of the cards for a larger image)
Anyone think I’ll be getting job offers from Hallmark?
PS. Just to be totally clear, this is me making fun of Babelfish. Definitely not mocking the in-laws.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
The Vault: The Office Caricatures
About three years ago I took it upon myself to do caricatures of all of the main players of the American version of The Office. It was a very boring winter.
Hopefully this massive, image heavy post hasn’t destroyed everyone’s internet browsers…

Sunday, November 6, 2011
The Arnolfini Shotgun Wedding

This month on E-Caricature the challenge is to caricature a famous painting.
For my illustration I decided to do a spoof of the Arnolfini Wedding by Jan van Eyck. This picture has always cracked me up. Both of the subjects appear to be less than thrilled to be there, and they also look a smidge inbred. Because of the man’s lackluster expression, and the fact that the woman is obviously pregnant, I could imagine this being some sort of antique Netherlandish shotgun wedding (Maybe “crossbow” wedding would be more time-period appropriate). I guess that Arnolfini decided to “do the right thing”.
For my version of the painting I wanted to make it look like they hired a caricaturist rather than Jan van Eyck. I borrowed a few of the traditional wedding caricature accessories like the love hearts, ball and chain, and adorable pet.
I also wanted to do some other parodies with the details of the painting, like the self-portrait in the mirror, and the little dog. In the original painting the little dog was meant to symbolize fidelity. Rather than muck about with such abstract symbolism, I thought it was easier to just draw a ball-and-chain. Same meaning.
In the tradition of pretty much every art history book ever printed; here are the details zoomed in.

Illustration Friday: Stripe
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
The Vault: Monkey Island Spitting Contest

This is a collaboration that I did with the beautiful and talented Anna (formerly Lee) Barrett about two years ago. She had the idea of illustrating a spitting contest between the two famous severed heads from the Monkey Island video game series. We then divided up the supporting cast of the video game to draw in the crowd. She has her larger versions of her characters on her blog, and I’m just now getting around to posting my versions on my newer blog. Click on any of the images to see a larger version.