Monday, March 12, 2012

A few computer sketches

Here are a few random sketches that I did on the computer since I got home from the states. From the top left to the bottom:  An unsuccessful caricature of Graham Norton, an angry white chimp, and Anna and I warped by Photobooth.


  1. That Graham Norton sketch is very close! I totally see him. All of these have a lot of personality! So how's that worm (that isn't a worm) dissertation coming along? :D

    Also, that hidden people thing was creepy. And your Raquel Welch was really great!

    1. Thank you! I just can't get past how much the Norton looks like an Oompa Loompa. Even more than he normally does!

      The velvet worm writing is moving along. Tonight I was writing out sampling methods for about 6 hours. I finally quit at 1 a.m. I'm trying to put in at least 8 hour days on the project now.

  2. OK... I don't know how I missed this post when you first put it up.

    Are you saying I'm an angry white chimp? Because I swear that is supposed to be me!

    1. Regardless of the quote and oral hygiene it's not actually meant to be a likeness of you. Sorry to disappoint. Your catchphrase is just so easy to use in all kinds of circumstances.
